The Holocaust Torah
After World War Two, a holocaust surviving torah was given to Rabbi Schimmel, the first rabbi and founder of Congregation Beth Meier. He received the torah because he himself escaped from Frankfurt, Germany in 1938. It was a small Sefer torah, meaning that it was entirely handwritten, the holiest book in Judaism. The torah was found water damaged, but still intact. Restoring this torah to life is a very important project to me.
Who am I? My name is Isabella Reiff, and I am a member of congregation Beth Meier, trying to raise enough money to fully restore the holocaust torah. The torah is an important piece of Jewish tradition, and this is one of only a few to be found from the holocaust period in Germany. This project means a lot to me because I feel like generations to come should also have a chance to learn about the torah and its incredible story.
Who am I? My name is Isabella Reiff, and I am a member of congregation Beth Meier, trying to raise enough money to fully restore the holocaust torah. The torah is an important piece of Jewish tradition, and this is one of only a few to be found from the holocaust period in Germany. This project means a lot to me because I feel like generations to come should also have a chance to learn about the torah and its incredible story.